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The Future of Content Marketing: A Complete Guide

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Content marketing is an integral part of the digital marketing landscape. Creating and disseminating worthwhile, timely, and consistent information is the main goal of content marketing, a strategic marketing method that aims to draw in and hold on to a target audience and, eventually, encourage lucrative consumer behavior. A business has multiple benefits to gain

How video content has changed content consumption forever

Video content is not here to change the way we consume content, it has changed content consumption forever!

Have you experienced the snackable joy of watching short videos online? Perhaps, you prefer watching a sitcom on your favorite subscription streaming service? Better yet, are you a brand looking for a video content marketing agency in Canada? Then look no further! We are happy to help, just click here.   Whatever it may be,

The blurred line between PR & Digital Marketing, here’s how it can help you.

The line between digital marketing and PR is fading, how to ace it?

Philosophers Plato and Aristotle wrote pieces to help aid public speakers persuade and influence the audience. (Image source: While the concept of using positive communication and influence to maintain reputations has been around for centuries, PR or Public Relations is fairly new to us. The origins can be traced back to ancient Greece and

Learn how to allocate your marketing budgets in 2022

How to allocate your marketing budgets in 2022?

2021 was tempestuous to say the least, more so for marketing budgets as they took a colossal hit to reach a historic low of 6.4% (as percentage of total revenue). The good news is that budgets are now in recovery mode as they have managed to climb up to a decent 9.5% albeit still lower

Your Road To Achieving Better Brand Prospects As An Influencer

As An Influencer How Can You Align Yourself For Better Brand Prospects?

Once upon a time in this world, the podium of fame and influence was only for a select few. One would have to become a sensational movie star or an influential and powerful businessman to be able to woo the masses. But thanks to the internet, things have changed today, and even a common individual

Benefits of updating your digital marketing strategy

Is your company changing its digital marketing strategy as fast as digital marketing changing?

Digital transformation can comfortably be referred to as the new norm. With approximately 1,805,260,010 websites in the world, the web is getting saturated by the day. The popularity of social media and social shopping is also on the rise. Digital marketing is changing drastically. Everything is changing, as the Greek Philosopher had once said, ‘change

Planning a Digital Strategy? Avoid these 6 Mistakes!

Top 6 Mistakes that Marketing Managers Make in Digital Strategy and How to Avoid Making Them

Digital marketing has completely revolutionized the way the world conducts business. Marketing managers globally are now constantly looking for newer tools, channels, and technologies to reach wider audiences with specific niches and psychographics, like never before. Brand management has become even more intense and specific with tools that further entrench into people’s online behavior, choices,

What Is Web 3.0 And How Should Brands Prepare for it?

How Web 3.0 Will Change The Digital Ecosystem

  The era of Web 3.0 is nigh. Everyone is talking about privacy and decentralization. But what does it all mean? Let us take a few steps back to understand Web 3.0 and its implications.   Let There Be Internet! In the beginning, there was Web 1.0, also known as the read-only web. During this

Get To Know DESO: The Decentralized Social Blockchain


Yes, we’re all social media enthusiasts, and we all spend countless hours daily on social media either creating or consuming content. That isn’t to say that social media is a utopian paradise, though. There are several issues that come with social media, especially on the content creation front. The pioneering media for digital marketing in

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